About |
Fee - Inktomi search partner. Highly recommended! |
Vista |
Fee - Well
worth paying for! |
Aol Search |
Free - Aol
Search uses Google free submit and Google Ad Words. Submit to Google to get listed
in AOL for free. |
Ask Jeeves |
Fee - A Teoma
search partner. |
AllTheWeb |
Fee - A Fast
search partner. |
Dogpile |
Fee - A Fast
search partner. |
EntireWeb |
Fee - EntireWeb
network of partners include Entireweb, Mamma, iXQuick, Windseek, and more which
reach more than 120 million users monthly. |
Espotting |
Fee - Inktomi
search partner. Results also appear in Yahoo UK & Ireland and many other UK
Sites | Paid Inclusion |
Fee - Results
also used in NBC and Verizon sites. |
FindWhat |
Fee - Fast
search partner. |
Galaxy (Trade Wave) |
Fee - Not as
well known but starts at only $9.95 They also have awsome advertising rates for
banners and featured listings. |
Google |
Free -
Getting a good listing in Google will put you in the lisings for many
different search engines. Yahoo, AOL, MSN, Earthlink, Netscape, Comet Search, Find
Target, Search Boss, Searchalot, Sympatico, Comcast, AT&T Broadband, iWon, and yes
even this site and many other sites use Google's search results. Next to Yahoo, this
is by far the most important Search Engine you will submit to. Google likes keyword
rich pages that are well balanced. Google receives over 150
million search queries a day! You can't afford not to get a good ranking in this
search engine!
Click Here to learn how to optimize your pages for Google!
HotBot |
Fee - Inktomi
search partner. HotBot now offers visitors results from Google, Inktomi, FastSearch,
and Teoma. This pretty much covers 75% or more of the major search engines. If
you can't find it using HotBot then good luck! |
Fee - Inktomi
search partner. ICQ is owned by AOL and is one of the largest and oldest worldwide
instant messaging networks. |
InfoSpace InfoSpace Search Solutions |
Fee -
InfoSpace has thier own search engine which is part of the Inktomi search network.
InfoSpace Search technology also powers many other search engines. They have web
search and directory sites including DogPile, Excite, Go2Net, and MetaCrawler. They
also have network sites including Hypermart, PlaySite, and Silicon Invester. There
are many different ways to advertise with InfoSpace. |
Fee - for uk web sites. Reach 60% of all UK internet users. |
LookSmart Business
Fee - Result also appear in CNET and RoadRunner cable
broadband network searches. |
LookSmart - US |
Fee - LookSmart
is a trusted partner for many of the world's search engines and provides the
directory structures on many of the world's top portal sites, more than 370 ISPs, reaching
more than 77% of the Internet population. Results also appear
in Netscape searches. |
Lycos |
Fee - Fast
search partner. |
MetaCrawler |
Fee - Fast
search partner. |
Fee - Inktomi
search partner. |
NBCi |
Fee - Fast
search partner. This search engine is powered by InfoSpace technology and uses a
combination of results from Overture, Google, Inktomi Partners, Teoma Partners and others
for search results. |
Netscape Search |
Fee - Fast
search partner. This engine uses Open Directory Project, Google, and LookSmart for
many search results. |
Directory Project |
Free - (DMOZ)
Many search engines use thier results. |
Overture - Through
Fee - Inktomi
search partner. Also a pay per click search engine. |
Fee - The top
pay per click search engine for online marketing. |
Sprinks |
Fee - Fast
search partner. |
Teoma |
Teoma, Metacrawler, Mamma, & 7Search
use Teoma for their results. They have many other search engine partners that they provide search
results and listings for. |
Verizon SuperPages - Paid Inclusion |
Fee - Sign up for Excite paid
inclusion and appear in VerizonSuperPages, NBCi, and many other search engines. List
your business in one of the busiest Yellow Page directories on the internet! |
Webcrawler |
Fee - Fast
search partner. |
WhatUSeek |
Fee -
The whatUseek Collection provides over 1.3 million search queries per day and
pride themselves on providing strong results for many searches. |
WiseNut |
Seems to be tied in with Looksmart search results. |
YahooExpress |
By far one of the most important
directories on the web. Business submissions must pay a fee to be listed. Click here for tips on getting listed in
yahoo. One trick to getting hits from Yahoo is to get a good listing with Google
first. Yahoo web searches use results from Google and Overature. It has been
said that submitting to the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) and then to Google will help you
get a better listing with Google. I am not sure if this is true but you might as
well try it. The other method of getting
listed in Yahoo's directory is to suggest your site by paying $299.00 to have it reviewed
within seven days. However there is no guarantee that even after they review your
site that they are going to include it in the directory so why bother unless you have a
lot of money to blow on advertising and you are crazy! Spend that $299.00 on the top
seven pay per click search engines instead.
Yahoo Corporate |
Not sure what this is yet since Yahoo
bought out Inktomi. As soon as I find out if Inktomi paid inclusion links are
included in YahooCorporate search listings then I will post it here. |